Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WIKI and GOOGLE documents

This was an interesting Tune-up. I have used Wikipedia but I guess I didn't know how it really worked. So it is a collaberative encyclopia which is open to editing. Makes me wonder how accurate the information is. I looked for Wikis to contribute to and was not able to find any that did not need an account. Tried Morel Mushroom Hunting and some travel destinations. The Wikis are of great benefit for research. Gone are the old days of World Book Encyclopedia. There is such a wealth of information on Wikis. Could be information overload.

Google Docs: This was fun to explore. I was amazed to be able to translate a document with the click of a mouse! Very easy to insert lines and tables in Google Docs. This could be a very useful option for sending things to others. E-mail attachments are time consuming and this may be an easier way in the future.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Social Networking

Social networking is everywhere!! People are networking while driving, walking, 24/7. I did join Facebook earlier this year so this tune-up was easy for me. I have learned to be cautious who I become "friends" with because some people post every little event in their life and it just fills up your facebook page. I find it useful for staying in touch with out of town friends and to catch up on events in their life. MySpace seems to have gone by the wayside. Tinley Park Library has a very nice updated Facebook Page. Naperville Library is similar. It seems to be a good way of posting information immediatly.
Although this seems to be the wave of the future for communication, I prefer face to face conversations or phone calls!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Photo Sharing With Flickr

I have been playing around with the Flickr site and am able to navigate around it, find photos from everywhere and I was able to upload a picture of the Bookmobile from my flashdrive. I have not been able to figure out how to post it to my blog. I'll have to ask the experts!
I have used other photo sharing sites, Shutterfly, to post pictures and share with family and friends via e-mail. For me, Shutterfly is easier to use because I know it much better. The advantage to Flickr is being able to search for photos of anything. I can see it being useful to the library for posting photos to the library facebook page and web site (which they already do).

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You Tube is Bad Tube!!!!

I have heard of YouTube!! I remember my kids searching for bodily function noises and trying to share the videos with me. Was definately not interested. I played around with this site a little, did not create an account because I didn't have to. Found a "learn how to whistle" video. You may see me whistling while I work now!! This is also where Susan Boyle became so famous for "I Dreamed a Dream" so I had to watch that one. If I am really bored, I may someday go back to this site!


I have now found my way into Pandora's Box!!! There sure is a lot of music in there. Had no idea this existed. Created 3 stations ranging from country to electric rock. I still prefer to browse the collection of music CD's we have at the library because I don't know the names of many groups so it helps me to have a real CD or picture in front of me. I think this site is useful for hearing clips of music or trying to find artists you like. Now I will find my way out of Pandora's Box.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ok, have tried RSS and Feed Readers. Now am really lost!! Not really, I think I have it figured out, at least how to get feeds on Google reader. Not sure how I will use this, but it is a cool feature.
I would like to know the link to the site when they notify me that $1,000,000.00 has been added to my account!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My First Blog

Please help me find my way!!! I am lost at the library!! Just started working here. If you find me, please return me to Outreach Services and the Bookmobile!
Thanks so much!!!