Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You Tube is Bad Tube!!!!

I have heard of YouTube!! I remember my kids searching for bodily function noises and trying to share the videos with me. Was definately not interested. I played around with this site a little, did not create an account because I didn't have to. Found a "learn how to whistle" video. You may see me whistling while I work now!! This is also where Susan Boyle became so famous for "I Dreamed a Dream" so I had to watch that one. If I am really bored, I may someday go back to this site!


I have now found my way into Pandora's Box!!! There sure is a lot of music in there. Had no idea this existed. Created 3 stations ranging from country to electric rock. I still prefer to browse the collection of music CD's we have at the library because I don't know the names of many groups so it helps me to have a real CD or picture in front of me. I think this site is useful for hearing clips of music or trying to find artists you like. Now I will find my way out of Pandora's Box.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ok, have tried RSS and Feed Readers. Now am really lost!! Not really, I think I have it figured out, at least how to get feeds on Google reader. Not sure how I will use this, but it is a cool feature.
I would like to know the link to the site when they notify me that $1,000,000.00 has been added to my account!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My First Blog

Please help me find my way!!! I am lost at the library!! Just started working here. If you find me, please return me to Outreach Services and the Bookmobile!
Thanks so much!!!